I’ve made a commitment to add more value than what I’m paid for.

While interviewing for a job, I was asked, “You seem overqualified for this position, why wouldn’t you run your own design business?”

My answer was, “I prefer the loyalty of working for an organization.” The idea that I would complete a one-and-done design for a client was not appealing to me.

Fast forward to owning a successful design business, I’m so proud to say that 83% of my clients are repeat clients. The loyalty is here because of my unique creative journey , dedication to the quality of work I provide and the attention I give to my client’s goals.

“You’ve been there since day zero.”

Angie Carlson, Owner of New Creations Child Care

New Creations opened their first child care center in 2010 and has now grown to 20+ locations.


To capture your story through design.

Your story should be woven into every detail of your business, starting with your brand. Together, we will work in a collaborative design process to create an impactful and memorable brand that captures your values, services and mission.

To bridge a connection between you and your ideal audience.

While it is so important your brand speaks to you, it is also vital to authentically connect your audience. Your brand and website are the first impression your customers have with your business. I will strategically design your brand and website to build trust with your customers, encouraging loyalty to your business.