Finding beauty


Comedians artistically find the amusement in everyday moments. They spin that moment and deliver it back to us in a way we can relate and find it entertaining at the same time. In a split moment this thought of, “I never thought of it that way” almost makes us feel silly for not coming up with the joke ourselves.

Similar to comedy, designing is taking everyday visuals and finding the beauty and the unique within. At times, it means taking a closer look and other times, taking a step back.

The best part about training your heart to look for beauty is it doesn’t end with everyday objects and visuals.

Finding beauty is a state of mind and is not something that is easily turned off. It spreads throughout life beyond creating to seeing the beauty in people instead of allowing their faults to define them. This has become one of my favorite skills that stems from designing.


Client Spotlight: Kerri Ann Photography


Client Spotlight: Susie Larson