How I choose a color palette

There is so much more I want to dive in to the topic of color… but for now, here are some of my quick tips to finding a color palette.


One of my favorite things to do to find inspiration on a project is to go to iStock and plug “nature” into the search bar. One hour later and 100+ tabs open in my browser, I typically have some color ideas for warm, cool, bold, muted and everything in between. Our Creator knew what He was doing and simply provides us the very best.

Another example from Appleberry’s Attic - this business is growing! And as it grows and evolves, the branding has as well. Working with one designer throughout the journey has helped create a branding that all falls under the recognizable Appleberry’s Attic brand.



Oh… did you think I had a crazy secret resource that only designers knew about? Ha! Sorry to disappoint. Pinterest is a great resource for compiling color palettes that compliment each other.

  • Save the color palettes that you are drawn to and then share with a few friends or family members before you commit to a color palette.

  • Pick 2 main colors along with 2-3 accent colors to create a palette.

This feels so incomplete because there is so much to unpack about color and how it makes us feel. But this will have to do for today.


Client Spotlight: Andover Community Center


When they say, “a simple logo”